Today marks the 13th day after MALB's evolution. Evolution in the sense of:
1. MALB successfuly organized the first MALB Asean Series 2008 Malaysia, a 4-day baseball event - a follow-up tournament of the MALB Divisional Leagues, participated by 6 teams from 3 countries, namely Malaysia (Patriots and Stars), Singapore (Singapore Youth and Typhoon) and Indonesia (Garuda and Eagles).

2. MALB was formally changed and transformed from 'Malaysian All-Star League Baseball' to 'Major Asean League Baseball'.. This move is essential towards the regionalization of Malaysian baseball, as well as unifying efforts of professionalizing baseball within this region.
All members of the Executive Board as well as the MALB Asean Series Tournament Committee were totally drained out, poofed, puffed, wasted.... Rosli, Endra, Faudzi, Amran, Fazlina, Lana, Farah, Intan, Najib, Raja, and gang, we put our all towards succeeding in the event. 3 months of sleepless nights, breathless days, mindful mornings, hectic noons, draining evenings, and endless meetings at nights. We even got death defying thrills when our tournament venue were cancelled of its bookings 3 days prior to the event. Thanks to Shahrizal from Patriots that went the extra mile to help us in securing the field at University Malaya.
At the end of it, we were satisfied, when we were bombarded with compliments and positive feedbacks from participating teams (foreign teams and 1 local team..) It was all worth it... all the sacrifices, pains and sufferings...
What's Next? MALB National Tour 08 - planning to take the MALB All-Star Team to Terengganu (scheduled for end of November) and Singapore and then Jakarta in December. Oh ya.. there's also the Umpiring and scoring clinic, scheduled for early November, to be conducted by our newly found associates from the Asean Series experience... and yes... Trainers for those clinics are certified by IBAF or at least BFA.
The MALB Central, Singaporean and Indonesian Divisional Leagues will commence in February or early March 09, and Malaysia will host again the MALB Asean Series 2009, hopefully with the addition of Thailand and Bruneian teams. We hope, that everything will be smooth sailing from here on... Let's pray together and hope for the best.
Go Baseball!!